Wednesday, April 23, 2008

busy day, this could take awhile.

And it hasn't ended yet at 10:37p.m.(eastern time)

Day started off well. Got up when I heard the baby, cuddled her, kissed hubby good-day, called mom to let her know I'd pick her up at noonish. A friend from church showed up just as baby went down for a nap. I really needed to be getting a shower. Surfed the web a little for some bunk beds for her then finally told her I really had to get a shower, so she blessed me by watching Kea. It helped out alot since she had awaken. After the shower we jumped in the truck, drove over and picked up mom, got lunch, dropped mom and Kea off at our place, headed to my lawyers office where the zipper incident took place. Headed home, picked up mom and Kea, stopped in at a local southern style eatery for mom to get supper, ended up paying for hers(which was totally o.k. since she came over and watched my daughter for free), took her home, headed back to my home where I was reminded that my two God-daughters were suppose to be staying the night, arrived home to a wonderful hubby who helped me get supper and the baby in, ate supper while I chased a very cranky child around who didn't want to eat(our living/dining room is being occupied as a bedroom at the moment for a temporary roommate), one God-daughter was dropped off, waiting on instructions for the other. (I'm taking a breath now are you tired yet?) In the meantime I grab the G-d(god-daughter) and head to go pick up the other one then head to church where I find out praise team practice was being cancelled due to everyone being as tired as me! So, I watch the pastor search from files to help me get a visitor welcome letter going to send out to our sunday visitors and grab the girls and head home. At home we have to get the girls showers(Kea is already in bed thank goodness) and try and wrangle then into bed. Of course at Aunt Bea's house it's always party time! NOT.
They don't know what to think they are just high on life because they aren't having to be at home. Isn't it funny how it was always more fun at someone elses home when we were kids. Now in adulthood I can't wait to get to my own home.
So, here I sit writing away to anyone who would like to listen. Are you listening? I always have to remind myself that their a jillions of people out there just like me who, if they were blogging like this could very well fill up alot more of a page than I've just done. Certainly I don't expect people to read this long rambling dissertation word for word but the ones that do, thank you. Thank you for taking the time out of your own busy day to hear a very small voice out in the huge world saying much of the same things you would.

Good Night.


hepsmom said...

Your post makes me SO happy to be on spring break!!! Hope you got some rest!

Crystal Gable said...

found you via your sis... Hope you have a great day!

Unknown said...

what was the zipper incident? Ya hung that one out there to dry, sis.