Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So pleased

Guess what time I got up this morning? No, guess.

6:30 a.m.

Yup, I did. All by myself!

Hubby and I decided to try and go to bed and try and go to sleep when our daughter did. We have been having trouble with her getting up before me. And then I'm groggy through the day because I haven't had enough sleep. Or so I think.

We both have been feeling very tired lately so we went ahead and went to bed at nine o'clock and were asleep before nine thirty. I'm feeling pretty groovy about it!

I'm a little nervous today. We have to take Juliette to the vet. She is one of our three cats. As soon as I can you will have pictures, but sadly, not today.
Anyhow, she has a knot on her head that she has had for quite awhile now and the vet said to just watch it. It's begun getting bigger and has begun "leaking" Pray for it for us please. We would like it to be something they can take care of without putting her through a lot of trauma. She is a feral minded cat, so she doesn't care to much for being packed up and taken on car rides and such. Although, she is from Georgia. I guess she can't remember kitten hood and how she got from there to here!

I hope all will have a good day. Be blessed.

Philippians 4:6 (contemporary English version)
Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything.
With thankful hearts off your prayers and requests to God.

Monday, April 28, 2008

First day at the gym!

My day started out well. I did the procrastinating bit. I should have gotten up and went straight to moms to take her to town. I didn't get to her home until 2. We made record time doing all of her running though. Within 30 minutes after picking her up we had everything on her list (out of about 7 things) done. Within the hour we had her back home.

So, we are off to the gym! Kea LOVED the nursery. She had a blast playing with the other kids once they began arriving. I then began the wait of meeting my "personal trainer". I was nervous. I'm not sure why.
She arrived and we got started. We went over my info sheet and goals. She said I really need cardio. I'm thinking, "I'm good with that." She introduced me to the machine she preferred me to use. She told me about the spinning class and that it burns 500 or 600 calories! "There ya go, that's what I'm talking about!" I have a feeling I'm gonna get my tater whooped though. So, I'm off to a different machine because the machine of choice is occupied. Just a stationary bike, no biggie. I did 12 min and burned 118 calories it said. Hey, I don't feel that's bad for a starter. I mean, think about it. I haven't exercised in quite along time. I am a blank canvas. Way out of shape. So, done with the bike now and moving on to an invite to my trainers Pilate's class. It's beginner, how hard can it be? Yea. Well, it wasn't easy. It was fun except it had a lot of floor work and my neck was killing me from lifting it constantly to try and keep up with what we were doing. A particularly silly pose was being performed in which you sit on your behind on the floor, place your hands under your knees(the knees are bent out in front of you) with your legs raised off the floor. And here we go, you roll down backward and roll up forward and at the forward roll you hold the position you started in for a breath. All was not going well as the downward roll is quite simple(as you see my fat rear falling backward with no problem) the rolling back up made me only realize two things clearly. One, you don't wear button/zipper jean shorts to work out in and two, I am seriously out of shape! Well, in all of that rolling I worked up some gas, and yes, it happened on that one roll as I was straining to get rolled forward to the holding pose it slipped. I fear I will now be known as the girl who (sorry if this offends) farted in Pilate's class on her first day. I'm thinking I may stick with the gym part. It's really noisy so if one flies it is less likely to be heard. I was already nervous and I tend to laugh uncontrollably when I'm nervous. I nearly lost it. I'm going back Wed. at 4. I've always heard when you fall of the horse or bike or whatever, you get back up and get right back on.

2 Timothy 2:15
Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple.

Missed info

It has been brought to my attention by my sister/proof reader that I referred to a "zipper incident" in my post, "Busy day, this could take awhile". And yet never told the story of what it was. I do remember righting it though. (wonder where it went? Maybe the computer ate it?) At the lawyers office that day I spent nearly two hours with him going over the contents of my case and practiced answering questions. Upon leaving the office and stepping onto the elevator I checked my zipper(A habit I take seriously since a very "traumatic" zipper incident occurred to me on one of my first days working as a dispatcher in law enforcement) to find the whole time I had been in there it was down! Guess I need to exercise my habit of zipper checking prior to the event instead of on the way out. It also cracked me up because it made me think I must somehow be channeling my sister angeljoy. She had just written a post about an event she had to speak at and her zipper was down the whole time.

So, hopefully that clears it up.

Another beautiful day!

I'm so excited and feeling quite luminous today. I got up, got dressed, hmmmm, I feel like I've done alot this morning! Oh yea, I remember. I got supper in the crock pot. Hmph. I still feel like I've done alot more than that. I know I've been constantly moving! Something is bound to result from that.

I'm looking forward to 4 p.m. I'm going for my first appointment with a personal trainer at the YMCA. I'm not sure what to expect.

Our two year old was so adorable last night. Her daddy came home and she crawled up on his chest and curled herself up in the tightest ball possible with her ear laying over his heart. It was so mushy it could have given cavities. I tried so hard to get a picture but she moved when I got up. That's one of those things that makes me smile and even tears well up in my eyes. It makes me think about how blessed I am to have a man who loves to have his baby close to him. I see some fathers who are too busy and don't really want the kids climbing all over them or even touching them. Not my man, he welcomes her attention quite readily.

Hope everyone's day is as blessed as mine!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The differences

Some aspects of this content may offend some readers, keep in mind these are only musings of observations. It does not necessarily pertain to any particular people.

I don't know how frequently people visit my space. Some like it, some don't. I'm still deciding. At this point I could take it or leave it.

What amazes me is the vast difference in vocabulary, wording, pictures, backgrounds, etc., between the adults and the teenagers. And the difference between the middle/high school ages and the just turning adult. One "just turned adult" comes to mind, I am intrigued by them. Their thoughts and writings are very "deep" (for lack of a better word). You can nearly feel the struggle occurring within them as they are torn between leaving the drama complicated world of the teens and trying to transition completely into the "grown-up" world.
Then I see the teens. What can I say, the passion they feel. The jumping to conclusions, the constant need to have something going on, even when they say they don't want to. They seem to thrive on the activity. I look back and see some of myself in this generation and think how naive I was back then. But what saddens me most is when I compare my naivety to what I see on these children's my space. It is astounding to me that there is none. I've come across pictures, videos, language, that would make even the hardest most carnal people in the world be put to the test. What devastates me is some of these young ones are suppose to be professing believers in Christ. I don't want to say I'm shocked for fear I be looked upon as prudish. However my heart hurts. Then I question myself. What are you doing to change it? What can I do to change it?
The message this morning rings loud and clear in my head (or pieces of it anyway) Religious Christians vs. Christ's followers. Religious believers gain a minimum of knowledge and then pound people with it by taking scriptures out of context. True believers in Christ will work on building a close relationship with Christ by studying the Scriptures, then share the joy of that relationship with others.
So, what could we do?

Well, I'm off to spend some time with my handsome hubby.
Love you all.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

So much to say, so little time.

Our day started off with the screaming of our 2yr old girl! Waking us up at 6:50 a.m. after only going to bed at 10p.m. "That's eight hours of sleep!" , you say? Well, she usually sleeps twelve. So I went to bed at 1a.m. thinking I could at least sleep until 9:30 or 10. Alls well though, we were suppose to be at the church at eight for church work day.

Reflective question: I wonder why people want to complain about circumstances but they never want to do anything to change it? And when somone takes the initiative to change the circumstances they complain about the changes.

For instance their is a room overly cluttered with similar items. There is a room committee comprised of two people. There is an overall group who have a common interest in the room and it's function. The committe brings before the people the problem. We need to purge the room of unnecessary items. Because of sentimentality a discussion occurs. If we purge the room and items are donated or thrown away someone's feelings will be hurt because they donated those items to the room. Why not think of the safety factor? If the room is so cluttered you have difficulty moving around in it and people are falling then the room cannot be enjoyed. Why keep items that no longer have a use or that will cause harm to some of it's occupants? To say the least, someone stepped forward from the committe and purged the room anyway. I guess time will tell the results. But it sure looks great for now!!!

Isaiah 32:18
My people shall dwell in a peaceable habiation,, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

Blessings to you!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Thoughts!

Things I smile at in during the day:
My coffee cup my sister gave me with a butterfly drawn in lavendar crayon and a verse from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Cloudy mornings or rainy mornings and days.
My husbands hand laying on my arm or leg.
My daughters laughter and chatter.
Her toys strewn throughout the house for us to trip on.
All three of our cats sleeping all over the bed, two of them cuddled up together forming a heart with their bodies.
Watching a daddy and child play together.
Cuddling up in a fuzzy, soft blanket on a cold day and reading a book.
Watching a rescued greyhound run full speed around their yard and then rest for another 12 hrs on the couch.
Waking up in my husbands arms.
Talking to friends and family.
Seeing my friends and family being blessed.

All the time I have for now, I'm going to be looking for more things that make me smile so I can give them to ya'll! Hope this has made someone's day!

Proverbs 23:15-16
Dear child, if you become wise
I'll be one happy parent.
My heart will dance and sing
to the tuneful truth you'll speak.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What to say?

Everyone has them. Those days you sit down before your computer and your brain is so full you can't think much less write. Welcome me to one of those days! I feel I have something to say but I'm so overwhelmed by everything floating around in my head I can't seem to find a starting point.

We took Kea for a haircut today. I vaguely remembered a place I used to pass by several years ago that only took children and it was catered around kids. On a wing and a prayer we headed that way and what a blessing! It was still there. It's called COOL-CUTS the two o's in cool are the lenses for sunglasses on the head of a kid. The place is decorated in bold primary colors. To the right is a walled off area using a half wall which has a hug Thomas the train table with a track on it and train cars. That's the only thing I remember in that part because that was what my daughter was playing with. To the left of the door is the product wall with shampoos, conditioners, etc., especially for kids. As you pass the cash register to the left is a wall with low desks each one fitted with a play station for bored siblings or parents. Beyond that are red salon chairs and to the right across from the salon chairs are the toddler salon chairs. They are a toy fire engine body with a steering wheel on it and a toy taxi car complete with steering. Kea got to drive the fire engine. I think it's ingenious!! We had such a great time watching her get her hair cut. As we left the building we both realized we brought the video camera and didn't even bring it in the record the event!! GRRRR!

We also did a couple of boring things like join Sam's club and become members of the YMCA. I'm personally looking forward to the latter. I'm anxious to start feeling better about myself physically.

Oh! And we got lost in Brooksville! We took a wrong turn and before we knew it we were in Citrus county which is two counties north of ours! OOPS. But it was a nice drive.

Love to all and Goodnight.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

busy day, this could take awhile.

And it hasn't ended yet at 10:37p.m.(eastern time)

Day started off well. Got up when I heard the baby, cuddled her, kissed hubby good-day, called mom to let her know I'd pick her up at noonish. A friend from church showed up just as baby went down for a nap. I really needed to be getting a shower. Surfed the web a little for some bunk beds for her then finally told her I really had to get a shower, so she blessed me by watching Kea. It helped out alot since she had awaken. After the shower we jumped in the truck, drove over and picked up mom, got lunch, dropped mom and Kea off at our place, headed to my lawyers office where the zipper incident took place. Headed home, picked up mom and Kea, stopped in at a local southern style eatery for mom to get supper, ended up paying for hers(which was totally o.k. since she came over and watched my daughter for free), took her home, headed back to my home where I was reminded that my two God-daughters were suppose to be staying the night, arrived home to a wonderful hubby who helped me get supper and the baby in, ate supper while I chased a very cranky child around who didn't want to eat(our living/dining room is being occupied as a bedroom at the moment for a temporary roommate), one God-daughter was dropped off, waiting on instructions for the other. (I'm taking a breath now are you tired yet?) In the meantime I grab the G-d(god-daughter) and head to go pick up the other one then head to church where I find out praise team practice was being cancelled due to everyone being as tired as me! So, I watch the pastor search from files to help me get a visitor welcome letter going to send out to our sunday visitors and grab the girls and head home. At home we have to get the girls showers(Kea is already in bed thank goodness) and try and wrangle then into bed. Of course at Aunt Bea's house it's always party time! NOT.
They don't know what to think they are just high on life because they aren't having to be at home. Isn't it funny how it was always more fun at someone elses home when we were kids. Now in adulthood I can't wait to get to my own home.
So, here I sit writing away to anyone who would like to listen. Are you listening? I always have to remind myself that their a jillions of people out there just like me who, if they were blogging like this could very well fill up alot more of a page than I've just done. Certainly I don't expect people to read this long rambling dissertation word for word but the ones that do, thank you. Thank you for taking the time out of your own busy day to hear a very small voice out in the huge world saying much of the same things you would.

Good Night.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

After naptime

hj';jj;lj mm,m m.../uujhhfv.My two year old says hello! She loves the computer. We went and bought her her own laptop. She works the mouse really well.
Here we were having a little mommy and me time after waking up from her nap.

I have arrived!

It took bunches of sweet-talk to the hubby on my part to even get a computer much less be able to set up a blog. Which, at this time he knows nothing about. This computer thing is very intimidating to him. It's pretty intimidating to me come to think of it! It nearly took an act of God and lots of help from my sister to just get me to this point. But, here we are and I'm so excited. May God use me to bless someone out there in this huge computer world.

I do have a few questions that have come to mind as I'm embarking upon this computer adventure. First off what in the world is up with the word BLOG? The first thing that enters my mind is a nasty, smelly, sticky, thick, swampy, area. Hope it's not like that. Although if you really think about it, it fits in a way. Imagine all these millions of blogs you have to wade through, some filled with nasty comments, aggrevated moms or dads whose days have been filled with one frustrating moment from the next venting out their frustrations, the sad and lonely searching, and you have to navigate through all of these to find some of the true gems of this internet world. So, I can see how my definition of the word blog could fit in this sector. I do welcome the correct meaning of the word and it's history if any computer experts out there want to inform me. I'm forever looking for a learning oppurtunity. Can't say that I'll remember it though.

I'm hoping I'll be able to stay committed to this thing. I love writing, or I used to before carpal tunnel and a life happened to me. If I can keep the house clean and my parents at bay for awhile I can at least give a few good posts!

I like to ramble which is probably why my sister urged me so persistently on getting a computer and getting set up with a blogsite. I bet it's a ploy. If I'm on here rambling my brains out to this computer then she can pick and choose easier what she wants to listen to and what she doesn't. She better watch it though, I'll just email it to her over and over till she reads it. Oh yes, there will be a test!! (evil laugh follows)

Parting note from Romans 5:18-19 (contemporary language)
Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life! One man said no to god and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right.